Whats new for NSX Load Balancer in vRA 7.3?

In this blog post, I would like to find and list out whats available for NSX LB in vRealize Automation 7.3. You can read more about the announcement on vRA 7.3 NSX features here.

  1. There is a virtual server section where you can select what type of traffic you would like to load balancer.

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  1. If you add a new virtual server and you can customise the protocol.Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 9.27.30 AM


  1. You can choose the algorithm and the persistence options.

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  1. Health Check Option

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  1. And last the Advance options where you can set a connection limit, connection rate limit, change the acceleration engine or set a min or max connections for the members.

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  1. You can also change the logging level.

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  1. Other things include changing the size of the LB and enable HA for the LB.

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