10GE Testing – Multi-NIC vMotion

Had access to some 10GE NICs and therefore decided to do some performance testing and try out Multi-NIC vMotion.

Intel X520-DA2

The 10GE NICs were Intel X520-DA2 and I used SFP-H10GB-CU3M to connect directly to both hosts as I do not access to a 10GE switch at the moment.

Without reading any documentation, I tried add both 10GE ports into a vSwitch and vMotion does not work. After googling and reading the documentation, we actually have to separate the 10GE ports into their own vSwitches before the Multi-NIC vMotion will work.


**Single-NIC 10GE vMotion Configuration

** multi-nic-vmotion-1nic-host1multi-nic-vmotion-1nic-host2[


**Single-NIC 10GE vMotion Tests

** Test 1: 14 seconds

Test 2: 14 seconds

Test 3: 10 seconds

Test 4: 11 seconds


**Single-NIC 10GE vMotion Network Performance Graphs

multi-nic-vmotion-1nic-host1-network-graphmulti-nic-vmotion-1nic-host2-network-graph **


**Multi-NIC 2X10GE vMotion Configuration


**Multi-NIC 2X10GE vMotion Tests

Test 1: 10 seconds

Test 2: 12 seconds

Test 3: 09 seconds

Test 4: 12 seconds

multi-nic-vmotion-2nic-vmotiontest1 multi-nic-vmotion-2nic-vmotiontest2multi-nic-vmotion-2nic-vmotiontest3multi-nic-vmotion-2nic-vmotiontest4


**Multi-NIC 2X10GE vMotion Network Performance Graphs





Although with Multi-NIC, vMotion seems to perform faster as compare to Single-NIC, however, the difference is not significant. This is probably due to the size and the number of VMs I used for the vMotion tests.

It was noticed that there was load sharing of vMotion traffic between the 2 10GE ports as you can see from the network performance graphs. Using single-NIC, network usage is about 200MBps while multi-NIC scenario, network usage is about 100MBps per NIC which is 50% of that single-NIC.