VSAN All-Flash Stretched Cluster Testing – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps Network

Both hosts disk group consists of 1) Flash Tier: 240GB SSD 2) Capacity Tier: 1TB Samsung 850EVO SSD Testing VM running on the following sites: **Preferred Site – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps (MB/s) ** **Preferred Site – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps (IOPS) ** **Secondary Site – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps (MB/s) ** **Secondary Site – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps (IOPS) ** Conclusion In an All-Flash VSAN environment, 1Gbps network is clearly being the bottleneck. With the 10Gbps network, I could observe average about 5X improvements in terms of transfer rates and IOPS. ...

VSAN Hybrid Stretched Cluster Testing – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps Network

Both hosts disk group consists of 1) Flash Tier: 240GB SSD 2) Capacity Tier: 500GB 7200RPM SATA Drive Testing VM running on the following sites: **Preferred Site – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps (MB/s) **   **Preferred Site – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps (IOPS) ** **Secondary Site – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps (MB/s) ** **Secondary Site – 1Gbps vs 10Gbps (IOPS) ** *The remarks in the AS SSD Benchmark tool are not accurate for the Hybrid VSAN as I did not change the description when the tool was running on the Secondary Site. ...

10GE Testing – Multi-NIC vMotion

Had access to some 10GE NICs and therefore decided to do some performance testing and try out Multi-NIC vMotion. Intel X520-DA2 The 10GE NICs were Intel X520-DA2 and I used SFP-H10GB-CU3M to connect directly to both hosts as I do not access to a 10GE switch at the moment. Without reading any documentation, I tried add both 10GE ports into a vSwitch and vMotion does not work. After googling and reading the documentation, we actually have to separate the 10GE ports into their own vSwitches before the Multi-NIC vMotion will work. ...

How to recover unmounted disks in VSAN?

With VSAN6.1, Virtual SAN monitors solid state drive and magnetic disk drive health and proactively isolates unhealthy devices by unmounting them. This has happen to my home lab and wish to share how I recover the unmounted disks. You can read more about this feature on http://cormachogan.com/2015/09/22/vsan-6-1-new-feature-problematic-disk-handling/ As you can see, the disks in one of my hosts are unmounted. I have tried to find a menu so I can remount the disks but could not find one. ...