Openshift or PKS – Using NSX-T API Certificate – Principal Identity

Normally for my lab or POC, I will use NSX-T admin and password for integration. However, in a production environment, customer might not accept that and therefore you might need to result to using certificate for API access. In this blog post, I will show you how to create the certificate and key to be used for Openshift Integration.


Step 1: Generate and Register the Certificate and Key

Provided below is the script that generates a certificate and private key, and then uploads the certificate to the NSX Manager. Complete the following steps to run this script:

  1. Log in to a Linux VM in your Openshift environment. For example, I use an ubuntu 18 jumphost.
  2. To create an empty file for the first script, run nano
  3. Copy the following script contents into, updating the values for the first two lines to match your environment:
    • NSX_MANAGER_IP: IP address of the NSX Manager host.
    • NSX_MANAGER_USERNAME: Username for NSX Manager.



stty -echo
printf "Password: "
stty echo

openssl req \
  -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -x509 \
  -nodes \
  -new \
  -subj /CN=ocp-nsx-t-superuser \
  -extensions client_server_ssl \
  -config <(
    cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \
    <(printf '[client_server_ssl]\nextendedKeyUsage = clientAuth\n')
  ) \
  -sha256 \
  -days 730

cert_request=$(cat <<END
    "display_name": "$PI_NAME",
    "pem_encoded": "$(awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' $NSX_SUPERUSER_CERT_FILE)"

curl -k -X POST \
    "https://${NSX_MANAGER}/api/v1/trust-management/certificates?action=import" \
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \
    -d "$cert_request"

Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 7.50.23 PM

  • Save the script and run bash
  • When prompted, enter the NSX_MANAGER_PASSWORD for the NSX user you specified in the script.
  • Complete the following steps to verify the results of the script:
    • The certificate, ocp-nsx-t-superuser.crt, and private key, ocp-nsx-t-superuser.key, are generated in the directory where you ran the script.
    • The certificate is uploaded to the NSX Manager and the CERTIFICATE_ID value is returned to the console. You need this ID for the second script.
    • Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 7.52.36 PM


Step 2: Create and Register the Principal Identity

Provided below is the script that creates the principal identity and registers it with the NSX Manager. This script requires the CERTIFICATE_ID returned from the script.

Note: Perform these steps on the same Linux VM where you ran the script.

  1. To create an empty file for the second script, run nano
  2. Copy the following script contents into, updating the values for the first three lines to match your environment:
    • NSX_MANAGER_IP: IP address of the NSX Manager host.
    • NSX_MANAGER_USERNAME: Username for NSX Manager.
    • CERTIFICATE_ID: Response from the script.


PI_NAME=“ocp-nsx-t-superuser” NSX_SUPERUSER_CERT_FILE=“ocp-nsx-t-superuser.crt” NSX_SUPERUSER_KEY_FILE=“ocp-nsx-t-superuser.key” NODE_ID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid)

stty -echo printf “Password: “ read NSX_PASSWORD stty echo

pi_request=$(cat <<END { “display_name”: “$PI_NAME”, “name”: “$PI_NAME”, “permission_group”: “superusers”, “certificate_id”: “$CERTIFICATE_ID”, “node_id”: “$NODE_ID” } END )

curl -k -X POST
-H ‘content-type: application/json’
-d “$pi_request”

curl -k -X GET

Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 7.54.01 PM

  1. Save the script and run bash
  2. When prompted, enter the NSX_MANAGER_PASSWORD for the NSX user you specified in the script.[Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 7.55.13 PM

]2 5.  In your folder, you should have two files. ocp-nsx-t-superuser.crt and ocp-nsx-t-superuser.key.[Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 7.57.24 PM

]3 6. Copy the two files to master and nodes using SCP

scp ocp-nsx-t-superuser.crt ocp-nsx-t-superuser.key root@

scp ocp-nsx-t-superuser.crt ocp-nsx-t-superuser.key root@

scp ocp-nsx-t-superuser.crt ocp-nsx-t-superuser.key root@
  1. At the NSX-T Manager, you can view the principal identities.

    [Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 8.14.12 PM

]4 8. Back to your master node, you can now amend the ansible host file.

> nsx\_api\_cert=&#8217;/root/ocp-nsx-t-superuser.crt&#8217; nsx\_api\_private_key=&#8217;/root/ocp-nsx-t-superuser.key&#8217;
> _**be aware when you copy and paste the character &#8216;_

[<img class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1100" src="" alt="Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 8.17.45 PM" width="665" height="333" />][5]</li> </ol> 


&nbsp; References: <> <>