PCF PAS Ops Manager with NSX-T Installation

Please setup the NSX-T Networks before deploying PAS Ops Manager. You can refer to this blog post to prepare the NSX-T. http://blog.acepod.com/?p=953

After you deploy the VM using the ova – pcf-vsphere-2.3-build.170.ova.

  1. vCenter Config

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  1. Director Config

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  1. Create Availability Zones

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  1. Create Networks.

At vCenter, you should be able to see the NSX-T Logical switches. I have created

LS-PAS-Infrastructure, LS-PAS-Deployment and LS-PAS-Services.

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  1. Assign AZs and Networks for BOSH

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  1. Once all done, you should be able to see all green under Settings.

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  1. Click on the PCF Ops Manager. There should be a Review Pending Changes blue button. Click on that.

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  1. Apply changes and have a coffee break! Takes about 15 mins for me.

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  1. SUCCESS!!!

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  1. Assign AZs and Networks for PAS Deployments.

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  1. Domains

System Domain: pcfsystem.acepod.com

Apps Domain: pcfapps.acepod.com

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  1. Networking

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*.pcfsystem.acepod.com, *.pcfapps.acepod.com, *.acepod.com

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Choose External as we will be using NSX-T NCP.

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  1. Application Containers

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  1. Application Developer Controls

No change to defaults.

  1. Application Security Groups

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  1. Authentication and Enterprise SSO

No change to defaults.

  1. UAA

*.pcfsystem.acepod.com, *.pcfapps.acepod.com, *.acepod.com

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  1. Credhub

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  1. Databases

No change to defaults.

  1. Internal MySQL

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  1. At Resource Config, Change HAProxy to 0.

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Rest of the items should be ticks by default

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  1. Back to main page. Click on Review Pending Changes.

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  1. Apply changes.

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  1. In progress. Take a break. ~ 30 mins.

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  1. SUCCESS!!!!

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