Kubernetes with NSX-T Container Plugin Demo List
I have been doing Kubernetes with NSX-T demonstrations to my customers and many of my colleagues and partners have been asking for the demo list. Here is the list.
Create a NO-NAT namespace
Deploy Yelb App with NSX-T K8s Service Type Load Balancer
Native Routable IP Address for Pod Networking
K8s Ingress with developer specified domain
K8s Labels and Container Micro-segmentation Distributed Firewall
K8s Network Policy translated into Distributed Firewall Rules
NSX-T Traceflow Tool from Pod to Pod
NSX-T Port Mirroring Tool from Container Logical Port
You can find the kubernetes yaml files over here. https://github.com/vincenthanjs/yelb-demo
If you like watch a recording of the demo which is based on PKS, you can view it here.