NSX Test App

A few of you have watched my youtube videos such as VIC, SRM with NSX and requested for the NSX Test App that I used for my demos. Alright, I thought why not share to the community the simple PHP Web application that I wrote. I also written a Lucky Draw App for my demo use which I use at large audience events, to have a little engagement with the audience. I will also share with the community, maybe the next time round.

The NSX test App is basically a PHP file. You can download the PHP file from https://github.com/vincenthanjs/nsxtestapp/blob/master/nsxtest.php. Once you downloaded, you can use it with for example Apache+PHP or a LAMP. Usually its place in the /var/www folder.

If you open up the PHP file, you will see the servername which is the IP address of the DB VM. I will export the DB into an OVA.       Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 9.28.02 PM

You can either use the database server in the LAMP or use another VM to be the database. In my demos, I usually use a separate VM as the DB server so mimic a real world scenario, like a 2 or 3 Tier Application. So save you the trouble, I export the whole DB as ova so you can easily import it.

This is the DB OVA. You can download from here https://www.dropbox.com/s/ou17rui2pxjco54/DB-NSX_Test_App-v1.ova?dl=0

It will look like it if you get it work.

Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 9.30.30 PM


You watch the VIC with NSX video here which utilising the web application.