Openshift Container Platform native integration with VMware NSX-T

Many of you might not be aware, Openshift Container Platform 3.11 now has native integration with VMware NSX-T! The ansible playbooks for installing NCP and CNI for Openshift has be merged into the official 3.11 deploy-cluster playbooks.

If you are interested, you can take a look at the github repo here.

Last two weeks, I have been successfully tested this integration with Redhat Openshift with NSX-T in my lab as well as customer environment. The following screenshots were taken from my lab.

Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at 8.13.47 PM

As you can see the nsx-ncp and nsx-node-agent pods are running.

Screen Shot 2019-03-02 at 4.18.55 AM

Once Openshift Container Platform has successfully integrated NSX-T, you will see a set of default logical switches, logical routers and Load Balancer being created.

Hopefully in the next couple of days, I will have the time update the how-to install guide.


Update – 22 March 2019

Manage to record down the whole installation and integration of OCP 3.11 on NSX-T 2.3/NCP 2.3.2. You can watch the video using the below link.