Tanzu vSphere 7 with Kubernetes on NSX-T 3.0 VDS Install Part 5: Testing, Demo Apps

In this section, we will perform some testing on the TKG clusters.


Step 1 – Login to the TKG Cluster and switch to the tkg cluster context.

kubectl vsphere login server vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local insecure-skip-tls-verify tanzu-kug-cluster tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace demo-app-01

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 12.15.38 PM

kubectl config use-context tkg-cluster
kubectl get nodes

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 12.18.05 PM


Step 2 – Apply ClusterRole Security Policies.

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dstamen/Kubernetes/master/demo-applications/allow-runasnonroot-clusterrole.yaml

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 12.19.04 PM


Step 3 – Deploy the application.

I used the hipster shop demo.

kubectl create ns hipster
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dstamen/Kubernetes/master/demo-applications/demo-hipstershop.yaml -n hipster

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 12.18.26 PM


Step 4 – Access the application.

Find out the virtual IP which is being load-balanced by NSX-T LB being assigned.

kubectl get pod -n hipster
kubectl get svc -n hipster

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 12.21.49 PM


Viola! Now you can try to access the application!

Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 12.09.31 PM

That’s it! Hopefully you find this vSphere with Kubernetes blog series useful!


Tanzu vSphere 7 with Kubernetes on NSX-T 3.0 VDS Install

Part 1: Overview, Design, Network Topology, Hardware Used

Part 2: ESXi, vCenter, VDS Config and NSX-T Manager

Part 3: NSX-T Edges, Segments, Tier-0 Routing

Part 4: Supervisor Cluster, Content Library, TKG Clusters

Part 5: Testing, Demo Apps